

1.“celebrate ” 是什么意思?





“celebrate ” 是什么意思?

       celebrate ['selibreit]


       v. 庆祝,祝贺,颂扬



       Celebrate You:恭喜你|祝贺你

       Celebrate Originality:激扬创意|为原创喝采



        2、双语例句:Then how do you celebrate it 那你们会怎么庆祝呢?

        3、You have something to celebrate.你有些东西要去庆祝。

        4、If one of us succeeds , we all should celebrate.如果我们中有一个人成功,我们都应该庆祝。




1. 庆祝特定的活动或事件:这是最常见的用法,用来描述庆祝生日、结婚纪念日、节日等特殊的日子或场合。例如:

       - We will celebrate our anniversary with a romantic dinner.(我们将用一顿浪漫的晚餐庆祝我们的周年纪念。)

       - The whole town celebrates Christmas with a parade.(整个城镇通过一场游行来庆祝圣诞节。)

2. 表达喜悦或感激之情:"celebrate"也可以用来表达对某个事件或成就感到高兴、兴奋或感激。例如:

       - The team celebrated their victory with cheers and applause.(团队以欢呼和鼓掌来庆祝他们的胜利。)

       - The nation celebrated the athlete's gold medal win.(全国人民庆祝运动员获得金牌。)

3. 赞美或表扬:"celebrate"也可以用来表达对某人或某事物的赞美或表扬。例如:

       - The exhibition celebrated the works of renowned artists.(该展览赞美了著名艺术家的作品。)

       - The article celebrates the achievements of women in science.(这篇文章赞美了女性在科学领域的成就。)

4. 庆祝某人的生命或成就:这个用法通常在纪念某人的特殊日子、逝世纪念或纪念活动中使用。例如:

       - We gathered to celebrate the life of our beloved grandmother.(我们聚集在一起纪念我们敬爱的祖母的生命。)

       - The concert celebrated the musical legacy of the famous composer.(这场音乐会庆祝了这位著名作曲家的音乐遗产。)

5. 用于宗教仪式:在宗教上,"celebrate"用于描述庆祝特定宗教节日或仪式。例如:

       - The community celebrates Easter with a sunrise service.(社区通过举行日出仪式庆祝复活节。)

       - The temple celebrates Diwali with a grand ceremony.(寺庙通过盛大的仪式庆祝排灯节。)


一、详细释义: ,v. ,庆祝,祝贺 [I,T] ,例句: ,We held a party to celebrate our success.,我们举行宴会庆祝我们的成功。,例句: ,Tom celebrated his 24th birthday o days ago.,汤姆两天前庆祝了他的24岁生日。,举行(宗教仪式) [I,T] ,例句: ,Pope John Paul celebrated mass today in a city in central Poland.,教皇保罗二世今天在波兰中部的一个城市主持了弥撒。,例句: ,The Society is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year.,这个协会今年将举办成立10周年庆典。,赞扬,赞美,歌颂 [T] ,例句: ,The event was celebrated by poets and historians.,这一事件为诗人和历史学家所赞颂。,例句: ,Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in `The Odyssey'.,《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩.,二、词义辨析: ,celebrate,congratulate ,这两个动词均有“庆祝,祝贺”之意。celebrate通常指举行盛大隆重的仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或某件事情,多暗示节日般的欢乐场面。congratulate指对他人祝贺为目的,希望他人幸福或走运。,三、参考例句: ,Celebrate someone else's success.,祝贺他人的成功。,It's time to celebrate your?triumph,是时候庆祝胜利了,Most Chinese families celebrate the Spring Festival.,大部分中国家庭都庆祝春节。,We will celebrate the Quadricentennial tomorrow morning.,我们将于明早庆祝它四百周年纪念日。,It's time to celebrate your triumph!,是时候庆祝胜利了!,Holmgren is careful not to celebrate prematurely.,霍姆格伦非常小心,以免庆祝得过早了。,They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.,他们每年都会庆祝结婚纪念日。,How do you celebrate Independence Day?,你们怎么庆祝独立日呢?,Do you ever celebrate the green lights,你有为遇上绿灯而高兴吗?,People celebrate Halloween in many ways.,人们用各种方式庆祝万圣节。





       Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克已通过考试,我们要外出庆祝一下。

       We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝结婚25周年。

       How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆贺新年?

       A movie celebrating the life and work of Martin Luther King.颂扬马丁?路德?金生平事迹的影片。
